Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pasta + Procrastination

I am not a fan of Facebook. It's just too cluttered. It's like a wikipedia spiral that never ends and yields no cool serial killer facts. But one thing Facebook is great for is keeping me accountable when I start a blog. Not that I do it often. Probably because of Facebook accountability, or because blogs are usually awful. When I started my lil wine venture, I waited until I'd accumulated a few posts before even dipping my toe in the Facebook publicity waters, let alone updating my status with each entry. But this time around, I was all hubristic, and shouted about my blog on Facebook the first entry out. Never mind that writing about a beverage you drink frequently and casually is different from writing about a food whose preparation takes up hours of your day. No, no, why should that be a factor? I told myself I'd keep up regularly.

I dropped the ball. However!

I had a good reason! Many of them, actually. These are they:

1. I made other, non-pasta foods.


Does risotto count as pasta? Maybe when I run out of entries it will!

2. I was making pasta, but didn't write about it yet. These are coy, hiding pastas and they are made more desirable by my withholding.

These will be gnocchi. You'll see. You'll all see!!!!!

3. Wedding!!!!!! It was fun. I didn't get married but I did try to look artsy in a CVS and DID NOT SUCCEED

Ali, stop.

Melissa, go.

Not my hands, far too delicate

4. I made a bunch of pasta w my friends last weekend but I was too into pasta making to photograph it. Which is the purest form of pasta making, perhaps. I also didn't help clean up at all because I was obnoxiously dancing and I'll probably feel guilt about that until like mid-February 2019.
Giulia made a tart and hosted us and it was the best dessert and hosting I have known.

I wore a swim cap and Sheela looked like a smart n slutty divorcee

5. I got pretty busy w some solid puzzles

Alexis brought mini champagnes and her A game

7. Vegan beer fest w faces!
Nick + Laura have nice teeth

7. Selfies :( :( :(((((((( :(

Oh, stop trying to look sheepish ya vain bitch 

I won't make any promises, although I could, because I don't think I have any fans who would hold me to them. But I'm gonna make a solid effort to keep up the once a week posts. Namaste, carb-lettes

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